Topics of contributed sessions
- Adversarial learning
- Asymptotic statistics
- Bayesian methods
- Causal inference and structural models
- Change-point analysis
- Classification
- Computational statistics
- Copulas
- Decision theory and estimation
- Dependence modelling
- Design and optimisation
- Differential privacy
- Ensemble learning
- Finance and risk
- Forecasting and modeling
- Frequentist Bayes methods
- Functional data analysis
- Geometry and inference
- Graphical models
- High-dimensional inference
- Inference for imprecise data
- Inference for partially observed data
- Inference for point processes
- Inference for rank data
- Inference for stochastic differential equations
- Information theory and statistics
- Inference under constraints
- Inverse problems
- Modelling
- Model selection
- Monte Carlo methods
- Multiple testing
- Multivariate statistics
- Nonparametrics
- Order statistics and reliability
- Outlier detection
- Parametric modeling
- Probability and stochastic processes
- Reinforcement learning
- Resampling methods
- Robustness
- Semi-parametric regression
- Semi-supervised learning
- Sequential analysis
- Simulation
- Statistical analysis of networks
- Statistical aspects of neural networks
- Statistics for genomics
- Statistics for long-range dependent processes
- Stochastic models in biology
- Spatial statistics and random fields
- Spatio-temporal modeling
- Statistics of extreme values, tail inference
- Stochastic algorithms
- Stochastic processes
- Survival analysis
- Testing and inference
- Time series analysis
- Topological data analysis
- Unsupervised learning
- Variational inference
- Miscellanea